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20 things you need to know to create the best business ever

The purpose of a business is to generate profit. To be successful in doing so, you have to reduce risks, make the right decisions, and maximize opportunities. Never in the history of mankind have the opportunities for entrepreneurship been as strong as they are today. Starting a business has become easier, but growing and sustaining it takes a lot of work. Here are 20 tips to better start a business.

Optimizing business expenses

The main objective of a business is to generate profit through the sale of a product or service. This profit is the difference between the total earnings and the total expenses. These expenses are quite diverse, and can often be unpredictable.

In order to keep a balanced vision, and to anticipate the unpredictable side of expenses, it is necessary to constantly work on cost optimization. On the one hand, the optimization of spending will make it possible to rationally finance the various investment and operating needs. On the other hand, it will help generate profits.

Generate more revenue with social selling

Undoubtedly, social networks represent a good opportunity for the development of commercial activity. With such potential users, every entrepreneur must seriously think about making better use of social networks in order to maximize their turnover. In fact, shopping habits have changed a lot in recent years, and business operations are increasingly taking place on the Internet.

Social selling has revolutionized the buying process by providing well-tailored solutions and an abundance of product information. Companies that have been able to develop their presence on social networks are more likely to convert new customers, and subsequently achieve more sales.

Make yourself known in professional networks

The success of the business depends largely on the quality of the professional networks to which it adheres. Business networking or "networking" has become a necessity to make yourself known in professional spheres. It is an economical and practical way to forge B to B (business to business) business links.

The entrepreneur has several choices and opportunities to develop his professional network. Thus, he can participate in conferences, evening debates, product launches, seminars, etc. He can also develop his professional network on digital platforms such as LinkedIn for example.


Learn every day

American billionaire Warren Buffett, one of the most influential businessmen in the world, advises every entrepreneur to read and maintain their knowledge constantly. He himself reads up to 1000 pages daily, and devotes considerable time to developing his knowledge.

The entrepreneur can read specialized magazines or books specific to his activity, or develop new skills. How an entrepreneur thinks is a determining factor in the success of his business. The more he develops his professional and general knowledge, the more likely he is to find good ideas and develop his strategic thinking.

Create a business in a assisted area

If the entrepreneur's activity allows it, it would be more interesting to set up a business in an assisted area. These areas are characterized by low economic growth, a high unemployment rate, and a poorly developed entrepreneurial fabric. To encourage entrepreneurs to invest and revitalize economic activity in these areas, the state offers them several tax and social benefits.

Thus, by creating a business in one of these zones, the entrepreneur can benefit (under certain conditions) from the exemption from corporation tax (IS), the contribution foncière des entreprises (CFE), and the contribution on added value (CVAE).

Benefit from specific entrepreneurship assistance

In order to help certain social categories to develop a culture of entrepreneurship, the State has designed several programs to help the creation of businesses. It is quite possible for a student, for example, to start a business, and to benefit from financial aid. Indeed, each student who has the baccalaureate, or its equivalent in level, can claim national student entrepreneur status.

Other devices are also available to young entrepreneurs such as “Cap’Jeunes”, “Créa Jeunes”, “Nacre”, etc. It would therefore be interesting to contact these organizations to benefit from financial aid, and various entrepreneurship training programs. On the other hand, individuals with disabilities have several business start-up programs available to them.

Benefit from financial aid for women entrepreneurs

Women entrepreneurs benefit from several financial support and professional support programs. Indeed, the state has taken into consideration the particularities of this category of entrepreneurs, and the specific constraints they often face.

Thus, thanks to the “Guarantee Fund at the initiative of women” (FGIF), women entrepreneurs have more facilities to obtain bank loans. Several support networks are also made available to these women to help them in all stages of business creation.


Always start with the design of a good product / service

To be successful in entrepreneurship, you have to convince potential customers to buy the company's products or services. It is the profit margin achieved with these customers that will allow the continuity of the business, and the generation of profit. But to convince customers to buy your product or service, you have to work well on your offer.

The ideal is to start from a problem encountered within a niche of potential customers and provide a good solution. This is obviously the most important step in the entire business creation process, and indeed determines the success of the project.


Create an e-commerce store

Internet is an essential platform for communication and commerce. It continues to grow exponentially, and represents a great opportunity to increase sales. Whether promoting the company's products or services, it is always interesting to have a storefront on the web. An online store is indeed a point of sale that operates 24/7. Especially since it is an easy tool to implement and manage, and which can help attract new customers and generate additional sales.

Manage the emotional side well

Starting a business and running it on a daily basis can cause a lot of emotional turmoil for the entrepreneur. The economic situation can influence their psychological state, and subsequently affect the quality of their decisions. In business, knowing how to make the right decisions is a decisive factor for success.

Indeed, emotions like fear of the future, or anger following an event are quite natural. However, knowing how to manage them and replace them with other more positive emotions such as confidence, or serenity is the first step in maintaining good psychological health. A balanced emotional state is an essential condition for good quality thinking and decision making.

Communicate well

Virtually every transaction in a business is some kind of communication. Always place an order with a supplier, sell to a customer, communicate with the accountant or administration, etc. Whether verbal, written, or digital, communication in a business must be clear and concise.

Thus, the entrepreneur must develop a good sense of listening, and transmit precise and well-targeted messages, both internally and externally. In this regard, it is recommended to contact a specialist coach, or to take training courses to learn how to communicate better.


Choose the right partners

The company is not isolated in its environment, it must intervene on several levels, and interact with several organizations. On the one hand, the entrepreneur must carefully select his partners at the internal level of the company, such as partners or collaborators.

On the other hand, he must also choose his professional partners, such as bankers, suppliers, accountants, etc. A good selection of its partners will indeed ensure a flexible and more efficient operation of the company.

Favor results-oriented management

In a business, focusing on results is the most effective way to optimize management and prosper in business. Indeed, results-oriented management means the use of company resources based on available data in order to make the right decisions and obtain the desired results.

It is a concise process that results from strategic planning, and which must take into account the management indicators predefined by the manager. In addition, it allows the entrepreneur to stay focused on his main goal: creating value.

Always innovate

In an increasingly open world, it is certain that companies that fail to innovate are less likely to last than those that innovate. This innovation concerns all aspects of entrepreneurial activity, as well as the way products and services are designed. The needs as well as the purchasing habits of consumers have changed dramatically, which is why it is extremely important to continually seek new ways to develop the business model of the company.

Practice street marketing

Street marketing or "street marketing" is an innovative technique that involves launching a promotional campaign in the street in order to arouse the envy and curiosity of consumers. It is a very practical method for promoting consumer products, but it can also be adapted to several business activities.

The most basic and affordable form of street marketing is flyer distribution. If the business budget allows, large-scale events can also be organized to impress consumers and boost sales.

Test your idea before starting a business

Before starting the business creation process, it is absolutely recommended that you test your idea and verify your assumptions. We will never know if the product to be marketed will meet the needs of consumers until it is tested.

In addition, a real test will make it possible to make the necessary modifications to the product and to refine the commercial offer by adapting the right pricing policy. The most important thing is that by testing the product before starting the business, the entrepreneur will limit the risks and have a clear idea of ​​the feasibility of his project.


Use a professional email address

Without a doubt, email is the most widely used medium for communicating with business partners. It appears in business cards, in professional directories and it has to be professional. Using a free e-mail address will damage the image of the company, and risk discrediting it with its partners and prospects. On the other hand, an e-mail address with a domain name specific to the company, will reflect its professionalism and promote it to its interlocutors.

It is better to go together than alone

Starting a business and successfully growing it is so demanding in terms of material and psychological resources. Partnering up with another entrepreneur helps ease individual responsibilities and better develop the business. In addition, the exchange of ideas between two people often brings a clearer vision and helps to better determine the objectives. However, there are certain qualities to be required of a partner, such as trust, honesty and competence in a complementary field.

Create partnerships with other companies

To successfully carry out its development projects, it is more than ever essential for a company to create partnerships with other organizations. Not only will this make it possible to broaden its sphere of activity, but also to pool development strategies with the partner company. This complementarity will indeed make it possible to develop a win-win relationship, and to position itself ahead in its market.


The success of a business depends in large part on its good management.

This good management concerns both internal and external factors to the company. Thus, the entrepreneur must maintain a balanced emotional state in order to better reflect and make the right decisions. It must also optimize its expenses, forge professional relationships, and select its partners carefully.

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